Las Vegas Sun

June 11, 2024

Letter to the editor:

Banks elude scrutiny they so deserved

The Las Vegas Sun’s Friday editorial (“$$$, no questions asked!”) was a fine piece and you certainly hit the nail square on. You did not, however, strike hard enough with the hammer at the weak leadership in Washington, D.C.

Allow me, please, to quote Neel Kashkari, the Treasury Department official overseeing the bailout funds, whose statement was included in the editorial. Mr. Kashkari said: “It’s very hard for us to try to micromanage and say, ‘This is how you should run your business.’ ”

Hard to micromanage, indeed!

What is really hard is for this peasant to believe that a member of the Washington aristocracy could make such a stupid statement.

Our very existence as citizens is micromanaged on a daily basis by one or more congressional committees or oversight groups, and what about the IRS and its penalties for even simple errors?

Where were all these “guardians” when financial institutions, financial advisers and industries were spending out of control, lying and stealing? Rhetorical question. Answer already known. Our leaders were tied up in conference with more important issues, such as what type of light bulb we should be buying.

I certainly agree that the poor decisions made by those in positions of leadership were a heavy factor in creating this financial crisis. How about allowing we, the people, to micromanage them for a bit and maybe teach them some very basic economic and moral principles?

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