Las Vegas Sun

June 4, 2024

During recession, Porsche dealership likely coming to Henderson

In the midst of the recession, the Henderson Planning Commission reviewed a surprising request Thursday — to approve a new Porsche dealership near the Valley Auto Mall.

The commission approved it by a unanimous vote, clearing the way for the dealership to begin construction in June, with an opening target in December 2010.

When built, it will be the second Porsche dealership in the Las Vegas Valley.

The dealership will be built on 3.5 acres on the northeast corner of Gibson Road and Kelso Dunes Avenue. Though the site is not within the boundaries of the Valley Auto Mall — the 185-acre area that the city has set aside for car dealerships — it is across the street and for all intents and purposes will be treated like an Auto Mall business, according to city documents.

To that end, commissioners approved two waivers that are standard within the Auto Mall, but not to the commercial zoning on the Porsche site. The waivers will allow the dealership to build six-foot walls instead of eight and reduce the landscaping requirements on the frontage streets to ensure that passersby will be able to see the lot.

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