Las Vegas Sun

May 31, 2024

Former Henderson real estate broker sentenced

A former real estate broker who admitted that he avoided paying his federal income taxes for five years and impersonated an IRS agent was sentenced Friday to one year and one day in federal prison.

Michael J. Sabo was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Roger L. Hunt, who also ordered Sabo to pay about $95,000 in restitution to the IRS and serve three years of supervised release after he is released from prison, said Nevada U.S. Attorney Greg Brower.

In addition to tax evasion, Sabo pretended to be an IRS agent in order to remove $97,000 worth of tax liens from his home at 2323 Richard Drive.

Sabo owed about $95,000 in individual federal income taxes for the years 1994 through 1998.

In September 2005, Sabo sold his Henderson home, avoiding payment of his federal taxes. Sabo also transferred most of the proceeds of the Richard Drive home to a nominee.

Sabo was first issued a real estate brokers license in Nevada in 1982, according to the Nevada Real Estate Division. On Aug. 31, 2008, his license expired and was not renewed.

Sabo is permitted to report himself to prison by March 9.

The case was investigated by IRS Criminal Investigation and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, and prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Brian Pugh and Jeffrey Tao.

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