Gratis arbete för 22.5 miljarder kronor

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Människorna på Research Information Network i Storbritannien har gett sig på att försöka räkna ut kostnaderna för hela det vetenskapliga publiceringssystemet (1).

Fasinerande hur det obetalda arbetet för forskarnas peer-review-arbete, globalt sett, är ca 22.5 miljarder svenska kronor. Seriös altruism.

Times Higher Education

The assessment of peer-review costs is part of an attempt to provide - for the first time - a picture of the costs of the entire scholarly communications system, from the production of research outputs to the reading of them, focusing on their publication, distribution and access.

The study estimates that the global cost of undertaking and communicating the results of research reported in journal articles is £175 billion a year, made up of £116 billion for the costs of the research itself and £25 billion for publication, distribution and access to the articles (which includes the hidden costs of peer review) and £34 billion for reading them.

(1) "Activities, costs and funding flows in scholarly communications", maj 2008.


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