Monday, January 19, 2009

-[]- NeW LeAks: U2 new single (Get On Your Boots), Röyksopp (Happy Up Here), Squarepusher (Numbers Lucent), and The Prodigy (Omen) -[]-

Some new singles getting leaked over the past weekend.

U2 new single (Get On Your Boots) - Just heard this one. I believe it is a web rip but the sound is good enough. Really digging the opening riff but not really sure about Bono's verse yet. It will probably grow on me, wait I think it is already with the second listen. I actually had been hoping for something a little more different I guess, but maybe the other songs will surprise me. Anyway it is new U2 and we there will be lots more coming on 3/3/09.

Info on the recording process and track listing for the new U2 'No Line On The Horizon'

DOWNLOAD ---[ U2 - Get On Your Boots]---

you can also check it at their website since I just saw they are giving it away for free...

Röyksopp (Happy Up Here) - Just ran across this as well and from the first 30 seconds I must say it sounds pretty cool. Has the right vibe for a song entitled Happy Up Here. New Royksopp album drops on March 23rd. Here is a tracklisting. You can listen to this track on their website.

Röyksopp 'Junior' tracklist:

1. Happy Up Here
2. The Girl And The Robot
3. Vision One
4. This Must Be It
5. Röyksopp Forever
6. Miss It So Much
7. Tricky Tricky
8. You Don't Have A Clue
9. Silver Cruiser
10. True To Life
11. It's What I Want

Squarepusher (Numbers Lucent) - I haven't honestly listened to Squarepusher in a long time. From what I have read though this album is getting some good praise. Not going to comment on this one until after I give it a listen....

The Prodigy (Omen) - Well it definitely sounds like The Prodigy. Just doesn't break any new ground or push the limits. Feels like it could be from the 90's or something. It is better then the first track I heard off the new record....

Check out to listen to their new stuff....
