Friday, December 5, 2008

NOT a slow learner

This evening, I turned the corner to find JJ, sitting in front of an electrical outlet, chewing on one of the safety plugs.

I thought to myself that someone must have forgotten to replace it, so I quickly took it out of his mouth and popped it back in the outlet.

He promptly removed it from the outlet and popped it back in his mouth.


I figured that one must be a little loose because it gets used all the time, so, in a swift the-hand-is-quicker-than-the-eye move, I switched the top one with the tighter bottom one... figuring that would buy me time to find a replacement.

He promptly grabbed the bottom one, and held it out to me with a smirk.

Oh Crap.

At his age, KK was considered a fast learner. One time being corrected and she basically got it. One burn on the oven and suddenly she was the "hot police" warning everyone that the oven was hot. One fall down the stairs and suddenly she was very careful around stairs.

JJ? Not so much. At first glance, he might seem like a slow learner. He keeps reaching for the hot oven despite having burned himself a couple of times. He keeps pinching his fingers under the door when he tries to open it while sitting right behind it. He thinks falling down the stairs is fun.

But I'm his mommy, and I know differently. He is actually a very fast learner. He just doesn't care. To him, enduring the consequence is worth it to have the experience.

And I don't know what to do about that.

One of us may not survive the terrible twos.


  1. All I can say Peanut is, Welcome to a life with boys!

  2. This sounds just like life with my godson! He just doesn't care. He doesn't. Not at all!


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