Thursday, December 18, 2008

TMI: Note to self

Note to self:

Don't get PMS the week before Christmas. Stop time if you have to.

Ok moms, here's a question for you: After you had your babies, and your, uh, cycles returned, did you find it hard to adjust to the mood swings again? Honestly, I feel like I'm 14 again and completely unable to deal with my emotions 3-5 days a month! I know I felt the same after KK was born, too.

Do these hormones even out again? I was pretty even-tempered before the kids were born, but now, LOOK OUT! I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I have been pregnant and/or breastfeeding for nearly 4 years straight now. 4 YEARS! I think my husband deserves a medal.


  1. Ya, I'm supposed to start tomorrow, so I'm with you on the whole PMS before Christmas thing! I did find it hard to adjust again. It takes awhile for your body to recover from the roller coaster ride it was just on! As time goes by with no nursing or babies, I think you should see things even out again. I hope! I wasn't as lucky but that is a whole different situation!

  2. Since I have been nursing mother nature has not come calling yet. The feeding is slowly coming to an end so I will know soon.

    It was so easy for me before kids but after my first I understood the true pains of PMS. who knows how things are going to turn out this time.


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