Monday, January 19, 2009

She didn't learn that from me! (No really, she didn't)

Up until a few hours ago, I didn't really think I had much to write about today.

(Well, unless you count that I worked my first solo shift on Saturday. Oh, and as it turns out, my friend mamabutterfly was right. It is just like riding a bike... except for 12 hours.)

(Or that my kids are sick, again.)

(Or that I got rid of all temptation in my house... by eating it them. So, we're all safe now. Dang Milsean bars!)

(Or that we are currently jumping at every ring of the phone, eagerly anticipating the birth of my brother's second baby... (If you were waiting for the go ahead from us J & M, go for it! And seriously, try my "induction method"... no really. Try it. It works. True story.))

But then I walked around the corner to see this:

KK, in full mommy glory, making "dinner" in her jammies, with curlers in her hair. (She even has that exhausted, exasperated look.)

Does Daddy do that? 'Cause she certainly didn't learn that from me... *ahem*

Yeah, must be daddy...


  1. Oh my, that was too funny! I think you have more worries if she is getting that from her dad and not her mom!

    Curlers? I though Peanut-lover went for the more care-free look with his hair, I didn't realize that took some work to achieve!

  2. I guess that explains the wave in Peanut-Lover's hair! ;)

    So the worn out exasperation must be fromt he rollers prickling his scalp?

    Seriously...that is such a cute picture though.


  3. How cute!!! The curlers in the hair was the best part. LOL...

    12 hours is a long time... I would be dead on my feet by the end.

  4. we have tried everything....I mean EVERYTHING! more then once......LOTS! This baby has a mind of its own.


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