Thursday, February 19, 2009

Five things I love about my dad

1. He's steady

He has always been there for me. He's even keel. Life can be swirling around me and he is still anchored. I know I can depend on him.

2. He's wise

He wasn't always wise, though. I noticed when I moved away from home that he suddenly got a lot smarter! But it's not just intelligence. It's life wisdom that he has. He is really great to go to for advice.

3. He's my pastor

My dad has been a pastor for my entire life. As a little girl, I was always so proud to stand beside him as he greeted people at the door. As I got older, I began to appreciate his teachings not only for their truth, but also because he presented them in a way that you knew he was working on that issue too. I felt fortunate to be able to receive teaching from someone that I trusted so much. Now we aren't able to attend a church that my dad pastors, but I still consider him one of my pastors. He is a strong spiritual guide for me.

4. He plays games

When I was a kid, we used to play a board game at almost every supper. We loved games! And there was always some game on the computer that we all were competing for the best score in. Games were an important part of our family time. Nowadays, there are relatively few times for Peanut-lover and me to play games. But whenever we go visit my Dad and his wife... bring on the games! Card games, tile games, board games, word games... we get those kids to bed and it's game time!

(It is more fun than it looks)
5. He gets me

My dad and I are very similar. Most of the things I'm working through, he's worked through too at some point. So he can guide me. He tells me when I'm being too hard on myself. He tells me when I'm being too hard on my husband. He gets me.

And I love him.

What's your five things this week? Write a blog post and link up to join the fun. Or, if you don't have a blog, leave me your list in the comments. You don't have to copy my topic, but feel free if you need a little direction. I can't wait to hear what y'all have to say!

Oh, and participating this week doesn't commit you to participating for the rest of eternity. Just so you know. (You can use the button that my friend Nina made for me if you'd like... we're still tweaking it though, so it'll be a little different next week.)


  1. That is so great that your dad means so much to you. That must be so great knowing that your father has guided you in your faith through out life.

    Thanks for the button comment. Let me know if and when you want to make any changes.

    I have to say this 5 things is a little harder than I thought it was going to be. I had to really put some thought into it.

  2. This is sweet and I love seeing the pictures! I didn't know your dad was a pastor!

    I'll definitely do this next week. Love the button!

  3. So many of the things you said here are how I feel for my Dad. Shocking, I know. He gets me. He's wise. We just connect! What a sweet tribute to your dad!


Hi everyone! I love your comments, so please add lots! Please respect our privacy/paranoia however and be careful not to reveal any identifying information in your comments. My family thanks you!